Global Gauge Corp. has recently increased and enhanced our engineering services group to include our newest Controls Engineer, Edwin Acevedo. Edwin comes to GGC with a host of technical & engineering controls experience from a Fortune 500 company where he served for about 20 years.
We are fortunate to have Edwin join our organization, he hit the ground running and has been adding value to our engineering staff with his previous experiences and ideas.
Global Gauge is also very encouraged by the renewed and continued strength in the metals and mining industries we serve and we are continuing to staff to the appropriate levels to support these industries.
Contact us today to see how we may help you find the solutions to your measurement needs and requirements. www.globalgauge.com
Proudly made in America.
Global Gauge Corporation is ISO 9001-2015 Registered.
Global Gauge Corporation is registered with ISNetworld with a current score of “A”. We comply with all sections of this standard.